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America, March 10, 2004

What Y'all Been Waiting For

It's called the v3.0 upgrade

a beer always helps
Yep, working hard
You go Margo
And not alone
a 10k in 43 minutes
Brings Success
Way back in 1997, when I started this website, posting regular entries wasn't called blogging. Back then, when we were hand-coding our HTML, it was called an online journal and mine, which is preserved here, was as rough as they got.

Over time, I learned a few design tricks and my HTML improved, but even with it wasn't pretty. Functional, yes, but not pretty. Soon enough, a few over-productive computer nerds started writing weblog software, and online posting went mainstream.

Nowadays, with everyone blogging, the software to run these personal expressions is robust and stable. And its time for me to stop the ancient hand-coding and leap into the 21st Century.

May I present to you my leap:

Backed by Moveable Type (v2.661 for those who care) and with the amazing help of Ole Saalmann, I now have a fully functional and dynamic weblog for your entertainment. And I do mean functional. Check out some of the goodies below:

A fully dynamic left navigation bar!

Gone are the days when I had to change every page if I wandered to a new country. Now MT, as this software is called, will do it for me. And for you, this means that every tiem you visit specific page, or just a category, the links listed to the left relate to that country and time.

Your commentary!

Yep, now you can give your input, good, bad, or ugly, on my posts. Disagree with my on Mongolia? Saw me stumbling down Dupont? Helped yourself to hotpot? Don't be shy, let me know!

Power Searching!

Backed by Google, you can now search my site for anything that might interest you, and if I wrote about it, you'll find it. And I mean anything. Check out how many times I write "nuladna".

Randomly chosen banner graphics!

Every time you refresh your screen, be it by going to a new page or just hitting refresh on your browser, there's a new photo stretched across the banner for you to enjoy. So far I've only uploaded a dozen, but soon, I'll have a few hundred. My favorite is the baboon walking across a street in Uganda.

Oh and I'm not stopping there. Coming soon will be an automated newsletter email inclusion, back-posts from pre-1997 travels, and a donation link so you can support this time-consuming endeavor.

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really liked the different banners across the top of each page. Also the dates/places on the left makes it quite easy to navigate. Wow, you have made fantastic improvements. Keep on writing and sharing your prespective on life as you live it.

Cool... Fun... Fresh.. New... and........

Good job, Wayan!!
I hope your job search is still going well..


I try, I really do.

It looks great! Are the "recent entries" in chronological order? If they are, could you make it so that the most recent is at the top? I got used to the old way and now I'm confused. heh :)

The 'Recent Entries' are in chronological order, with the oldest at the top. I wanted it to be reverse on the main page yet with each category having it in chron order so you'd start reading at the begining of a trip.

The software only can do so much, and I'm pushing it as it is.

Wayan, Wayan, Wayan, very impressive I must say. All looks really great! Does this much focus and energy go into the job search? Yes, you are looking great for, is it 33, maybe 32. I like your female fan base also, any men read the website? I hope you are getting some sleep and the tears are fading away. I remember him, too! To new adventures and memeories...

I might be the one male reader out there :^)

Looking good Wayan, I like the design. Too many people with no eye for asthetics are out there creating horrific sites; they would do well to study any three of your creations.

See ya around, ya'll (I'm working hard on my Floridian accent I'm tellin' ya)

No Toddo you're not the only male reader out there :-)

The new site looks fresh and is well laid out.
Congratulations on a job well done (or still in progress, take your pick!).

What you write here makes me laugh or cry but never makes me yawn.
Some things are too close to my own experience to be read often but it helps to dip in and understand that I am not unique, just human.

With 12,000 unique visitors each month, I can easily say that I have more male readers than just the two of you. Maybe not many more, but at least a few dozen.




Thanks for great site

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