Blue skies and new leaves!
Time to clean the streets!
The first snow fall was the first day of September. The
snow never left after the first day of November. It was -17 C in
December and -25 C in January. February I had to fly half way
around the world to find warmth. Now, with the arrival of April,
spring is finally here!
Last weekend it was beautiful! With highs of 10 C, and bright
sunlight, Moscow rejoiced in the streets, laughing and giggling in the
euphoria that the fist day of spring, after seven months of winter will
bring. Last weekend also revealed what spring will be like here.
There is a large field between my house and my work. In winter
this field was covered with snow, making the walk difficult but pretty.
Now the snow is gone, and the raw, trash sewn field reveals its
true self. I sure hope there is grass, or at least weeds that
sprout soon to give the brown mud some color. Now I also realize
why people start random fires here. I want to start one myself to
burn off all the paper trash in the field. Not all is ugly though.
While I was strolling down Old Arbat last weekend, the walking street
in the center of Moscow, I saw the first mini-skirt of spring. Well
she thought of it as a mini-skirt, but I'm sure her mother and I are of
the same opinion, that was more a wide belt than a short skirt! Now
the fun begins. The dev's here compete in skirt shortness, and Wow! do they have nice
I am also getting into the swing of spring, with a cleaning of the
apartment and shaving of the beard. I prodded, whipped, and beat
my housemates into a spring cleaning of the apartment Saturday, much to
their dismay. We scrubbed all the goo from the winter and the last
residents, trying to find the original surfaces. Luckily they have
Comet here, so the job went well.
In a bid to hasten spring along, I got out the razor and took
off the thick beard I've been sporting since September. Every year
I grow a beard for winter, and shave in the spring. Hopefully
people will still recognize me!
Now that all the domestic chores are done, its time to focus on the
real activity of spring, romance! |