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The Semi-Regular Newsletter

Travels in Russia

KLM Rocks Across Europe!
Santa Claus in Moscow
Television Is a Time Suck
The Reality of Irrelevance
Salute Mayor Luzhkov
Impeachment Happens
I Am Not The Only One...
I'm Back! Did Ya Miss Me?
Chechnya Burning
Weddings in Winter
The Jews Are Here!
Gailyn Goes to Town
Is There a Central Bank?
Santa Barbara is Real
Nick's Thanksgiving in Russia
Den' Rozhdeniya = Birthdays
Those Crazy Expats
It's Just a Few Drops of Vodka...
Elections Are Always Rigged
The Blind Leading the Blind
Good Russian Grooms
You Say 'Boris Berezovskiy' Fast
Too Cold to Care!
Russian Oil Towns
Sneaky Siberian Tigers
Which Way is St Peterburg?
Where am I again? Oh, yeah...
I Love Me Some Vodka
It's a Gosorg Halloween
Hunger Comes to Us All
Why Don't They Just Learn English?!
Post-Crisis, Life Goes On
Is Yeltsin 'The Man'?
Murmansk - Brrrr!
Taganka Hides Her Secrects
These are Communists
It's a Power Vaccum
The Commies are Back
Propaganda is Good for You
You Better Buy Russian!
Sex Ed Soviet Style
Party over, oops outta time!
Russian Healthcare in Moscow
What Russian Financial Crisis?
YE Prices in Russia
The Hungry Duck
Russian Caviar Mafia
Magical Mushrooms
Shhhh! We're Bear Hunting
Soviet Street Scams
Bez Dollarov
A Koshka Konspiracy
On The Dacha
The Banking Implosion
Surviving Army Life
Shashleek is Steak on Steroids
Dacha Thinking
Beach Weekend
Dos Vedanya
Hello from Vladivostok
Equality Means Only She Works
Jogging is an Extreme Sport
Russians Have Reunions Too
My Folks in Massive Moscow
Better than Fireworks
Miners Are Real Men
The Russian Mafia is the Roof
No One Smiles in the CIS
One Year Anniversary
Russian Brides Rock
Laura is My St Pete Connection
Change is in the Wind
Chuck Norris' Beverly Hills Casino
The Expat Woman's Predicament
Street Food is Yummy!
Spring Flowers Make June Leavers
The Provinces Are Provincial
Ever Take an Elektrichka?
The English Invasion
Nuttin Like New Money
Rules Are Made to Break
All Black is Russian Fashion
Easter Memories = Easter Dinner
Politics, Russian Style
Theresa Tries to Russify
I Go to Gay Clubs Worldwide
I Hide on Women's Day
New & Shiny: Nizhny Novgorod
Psst! Wanna job in Moscow?
Fili Park Has All the Bootlegs
Take a Break at Dom Odaha
Expat Living in Moscow is Swank
Why Are You Remonting?
They Look Like Telephones...
In Need of a Decent Hairstylist
Smashing Bottles in Red Square


Russia, February 23, 1998

Web Page Reactions

You oughta see what people say to me!

When I first started this site, I was bored out of my mind waiting for the Peace Corps to get its act together, so I wrote a few pages late at night. Now that the page is almost 10 megabytes of information, stories, and photos, I am getting a quite a bit of traffic, and several emails a day. The vast majority of reviews are positive, even excluding my family and friend's responses. Here is an honest sample of the non-family emails I received so far, which makes me a bit proud of this time-consuming monster I created. My comments are in italic.

Former Peace Corps Volunteers

Hey Buddy!

Cute pic! You've grown a little fuzz I see. So, you are a private sector man, That's pretty cool as long as you are enjoying yourself..I loved the site by the way....It made me a little sad :(


Prospective Expats:


My mom's shipping me off to Russia in August to be an exchange student, and I have just one question: Do they have Jell-O shots over there? (Actually we don't have Jell-O, but we do have generic gelatin.)



Hey Wayan, I'm enjoying your WEB site. I've traveled alone through Europe, North Africa and the Middle I being naive thinking that traveling through Russia will be just as adventurous? I plan to travel the Trains Siberian/BAM railway in the beginning of 2000. I've done loads of 'surfing' on the WEB reading other peoples' adventures (yours is about the best) and the consensus is the bureaucracy for travelers sucks. Just getting a tourist visa could be a bit of a hassle, though it can't be as bad as your visa nightmares. I've always dreamt of traveling the Trans Siberian and now that the 'cold war' is over I'm anxious to do it! Thanks for a great WEB site.


Hi there!

Just thought to drop an e-mail to say that I had enjoyed reading what you had posted on your site. I 'stumbled' here when I was surfing around, looking for information on Russia coz I'll be taking a trip to Russia in August and I am trying to find some things on it. I do like your webpage coz I find it very humorous and slightly informative. And yes, those bloody phone lines REALLY sucks huh? (Yes!)


Old Expats:


Hi, Just stumbled across your web page and found it interesting. I spent a couple of years in Moscow and enjoyed it. Is Sheremetro still dark and gloomy? (Of course!) What is the price of a piva now? (In the store: $1 for Russian beer, $2 for Imports.) Keep up the messages.


Hello, and Preveit !

i just read your site, from front to back. it is quite an adventure. i know this because i was in Russia recently. i feel your pain. although it was a strange and wondrous place for me, it was actually an adventure. you describe everything so true, reading your site reminds me of Russia so well.

i have written a journal of my journey there, perhaps i can have it up on a website soon. in the meantime, thanks for putting up the site, it is PRAVDA ! Paka !



What you write about Russia, in my opinion, is exactly right. Ya soglasyen s vame. Mnogo lyet tomy nazad I was a student of Russian (Army Lang. School) I envy you living in Russia. I wanted to live in Novgorod. Being a native New Yorker I liked Nevsky Prospect in St Petersburg and Arbatskaya in Moscow. I live in Orlando (worked for the mouse ) but I would trade this life style for one in Russia. I read your page with much interest. Thanks again.

Poka ot Dicka

Friend's Parents:

Dear Wayan,

Jenna forwarded your last e-mail to her, so I've spent the last hour and a half going through your web site and thoroughly enjoying it. So much so, that I called St. Edward's computer teacher and told her to look at the sight; I think the kids would really get a kick out of it, and it definitely gives them a dose of reality.

Mrs. A.

Random People:


Great website! I'm going to use a few details I found in your 'Random Russia Experiences' section in a language arts textbook (so I hope your facts are CORRECT!!!) I spent 6 weeks in Orlando last year (I'm from the SF Bay Area) and I liked it there very much. I did lots of bike riding and Western line dancing. You seem like a great person--I'm glad you joined the Peace Corps.

Take care, Robyn

And Russians Who Disagree with Me:


ok, im Alex and im russian......well, ok, i can understand a lot of things and im actually a free minded person but i can't stand when one sucker tries to crack a (bleep) about my county......i don't say that u said a full lie, but when u show one side of the story , think u have to show another as well, huh sucker?

as i've noticed in ur (bleep) country the situation is the same or worse, but u feel ashamed by urselves and tries to show what's dirty and wild Russia, right? pollution, fires, dogs, drunk (bleep)......don't u think that it's not fair like this? to wonder about the things u have there as well?

ok, everyone can have his own opinion. i just DON'T like when some (bleep) tries to make a one side as a full story!

ciao, :--

(After this intense flame, I emailed Alex about his concerns, and we came to an understanding. He was a bit harsh in his flame, and I get a bit sarcastic on my web page. We are both trying to be more open minded in the future.)

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