America, July 22, 2009
Meet me in Nairobi, Abjua, or Accra
I'm headed to Africa soon for three weeks of meetings and trainings in Nairobi, Abuja, and Accra for Inveneo. I'll be in each city about a week, and would love to meet up with loyal Belly Button Window readers if you're around.
See, while I am a fanatic proponent of web-based discourse - I'm publishing at least six different blogs right now - I'm convinced that online discourse is an amplification of offline, in-person connections. In fact, I believe that online conversations are not possible without some level of face-to-face discussions between participants. Or as a friend once said "meatspace has the highest bit rate" And I haven't connected with that many Belly Button readers in a while. I'll be traveling through Africa in accordance with this general itinerary: